Saturday, December 19, 2009


So, last night on our show, we had a pre-recorded segment with Ryan Buell from Paranormal State. He is a great guy, and the interview itself (which can now be heard on iTunes) was a lot of fun and very insightful. Midway through our show we had the honor of also having LIVE from the Spalding Inn, Jason Hawes and Steve Gonsalvez from Ghost Hunters... and John Zaffis from everywhere! Again, another great interview and a lot of fun being able to have them on our show. If you caught it LIVE you know how funny it was for everyone because it was not expected and there is honestly no way to tell you kats how long we have been wanting to have them on our show.

So, with that aside, it became this sortv'e joke about having Pepsi and Coke on the same show... or McDonalds and Burger King... (with John Zaffis being the Wendys) Its one of those things where in the long run we ARE all on the same team, right? Fighting... er hunting for the better good? I think so. But we also noticed a lot of animosity towards our guests. Not directly in the chat, but later via PMs and emails. Some people like Ryan better than Jason, others like Steve better than Ryan, and then there were those that couldnt stand either of them and wondered when we would have 'their own team' on our show.

It got me to thining a bit and scratching my head. Ghostology is an equal opportunity para-media outlet. Yeah, we strive for quality guests (ie: guests that talk preferably) who have something unique or enlightening to share with us. But, what does it do to our community when we end up segregating the people in our very community.

Forming triangles.

Oh, I like "Ghost Show 01" and like "Ghost Show 02" but hate "Ghost Show 03". I just found out that "Ghost Show 01" likes "Ghost Show 03" so Im only going to like "Ghost Show 02".

I think you get the point.

I just wonder if this is healthy. I mean, we probably should't cut of someone just because THEY happen to like someone that you aren't very found of. Right? or am I missing something.

Anyway, it was just a thought. Triangels are sharp and dangerous and probably only good for ringing when dinner is ready. LOL! ... In my opinion. :)

Hope you kats are having a great week before Christmas. Its fun being broke... aint it!? :D



realbadger said...

I enjoy Paranormal State, though mostly when the super cute Eilfie is participating...

ghostrawk said...

I am hoping one day to have her on our show too.


Charli Girl said...

Not all 2 sticks when rubbed together will start a fire, know what I mean? I hope people become more readily accepting and appreciative of one another's talents, skills, theories, etc. Because when you close the mind off, you stop learning. I for one am comfortable "living in the gray". It takes us all- the good, bad & the ugly, to make strides forward. :)

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